» Introduction to Field Hockey

Introduction to Field Hockey

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Physiotherapy in Montreal for Field Hockey

Welcome to Kinatex Sports Physio's resource about field hockey.

Field Hockey is a game played in over 130 countries around the world.  Outside of North America it is often just referred to as hockey, but in Canada and the United States it’s called field hockey to distinguish it from the popular game of ice hockey.

Little protective equipment is mandatory for field hockey and injuries can be common due to collisions with other players, holes and bumps in the playing pitch, and the swinging of hockey sticks.  Players are no strangers to bumps and bruises, or sprains and strains. Sometimes more serious injuries like fractures can occur.  This part of our website is designed to assist you in physically preparing yourself to play field hockey, and to help you in preventing some of the most common field hockey injuries that occur.  At Kinatex Sports Physio our aim is to assist you to stay in the game and on the attack, so you are dribbling down the field rather than hobbling into our clinic!

Explore our Field Hockey pages:

Kinatex Sports Physio provides services for physiotherapy in Montreal.

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